Goethe 7 July If you find an ancestor on a ship on ISTG and would like to link to your email address or home page, please submit a short paragraph about the passenger, where settled, children, etc., with the name of the ship and date of arrival, and send to the . From the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild and Die Maus Genealogical Society of Bremen Germany. Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine and used as a supply ship during the German invasion of Norway. The Hapag was founded in 1847 to prevent a further concentration in Bremen of the American mail service, as well as imports from America of cotton and tobacco and exports thither of German emigrants. Very little money will be used. Marianne 16 October The Hapag instituted a service to the West Indies; in the same year the Hamburg South American Steamship Company was founded to ply between Hamburg, Brazil and the la Plata. This was true not only for German nationals, but also millions of inhabitants in Austria, Hungary, and other Central European nations seeking opportunities or refuge in the New World. Galliot Themis 24 July Post 23 June Brig Ulysses 14 October Clementine 22 June Luntine 23 June SS Donau 8 January So the Hapag and the German Levant Line instituted the direct connection themselves and continued it for three years. Sophie 16 June Knickerbocker 9 September Timoleon 22 November Eutaw 15 September Garonne 21 August 1844 Emma 7 October [1] It is a convenient abbreviation to employ, just as the Lloyd is a convenient abbreviation for the great Bremen company, the North German Lloyd. Copernicus 18 December SS Berlin 21 October SS Lahn 22 December. How wise this reservation was, is apparent when we observe what trend emigration to America had already taken in 1900 and to what enormous proportions emigration from East Europe had grown in the banner year 1906-07. Caroline 23 July These are index cards, arranged alphabetically by place of last residence and then by surname, of German emigrants, based upon the Bremen Passenger Lists. On June 19, 1858, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon; the "Bremen" left the wharf at Bremerhaven on her maiden voyage to New York, carrying 100 tons of freight, 1 cabin and 93- steerage passengers. Bremen Packet 28 May Friederich Jacob 9 December 1845 She started her maiden voyage on 5 June 1897, traveling from Bremen to New York with a stopover at Southampton.In addition to the transatlantic run she also sailed from Bremen to Australia via the Suez Canal.. On 30 June 1900, she was badly damaged in a dockside fire at the NDL pier in Hoboken, New Jersey. Eliza Thornton 30 October Stephanie 26 July At first it ran through the Suez Canal and down the east coast as far as Delagoa Bay. In 1907 they landed in New York from their German and Italian services the following number of emigrants: Emigrants Landed in New York by the German Steamship Companies. Ship D.H. Watjen 25 November, 1862 Bremen (Wikipedia) SS Nurnberg 12 March Brarens 18 January Therefore, if your ancestors emigrated to the U.S. from Germany, they could be found on a passenger list coming from Liverpool, England (if, in this case, the ship left from Bremen, Germany then continued on to Liverpool, England before arriving in Baltimore). Philadelphia 10 October which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device Stephani 12 July Bark Freihandel 23 September . Humphrey 10 July Olbers 12 December Philadelphia 12 July Pauline 7 October 1833 Apollo 7 July I Found the Person I Was Looking For, What Now? Washington 29 September [6] In 1866 Adolph Wagner wrote an article on Ocean Transportation in Rentschs Handwrterbuch der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Ernst and Gustav 30 June 1874-1907 - lists destroyed every 2 years Louise 10 October An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Westphalia 17 February Stephani 14 October Bark Clara 23 December, 1873 Elizabeth 15 January In 1881 the Kosmos Line (to Chili and Peru) extended its service up the coast of South America to Mexico, in 1899 it went to San Francisco. Mary Phillips 9 September Mercur 24 August Deutsche Auswanderer-Datenbank / German Emigrants Database. Olbers 13 June Cordova 24 November These saved lists had been stowed away in a salt mine at Bernburg an der Saale in 1942 together with other archives for the purpose of protection, and were transferred into the custody of Moscow Archives at the end of WWII. General Veazie 8 November Bark Freihandel 1 June Caspar 22 September Autoleon 3 September Elise 19 July Herschel 15 August Diana 5 August Sarah Ann 6 October Eutaw 15 September Louise 10 October Margaretha 1 September Henry 15 October Mauran 11 November Diana 5 August Johannes 7 June Bark Laura 25 November During the 19th century mass immigration to the west was occurring. Favorite 12 November Ship Caledonia 18 December, 1839 Since then the Hapag has been the prime mover in many of the combinations that go to make up the complicated system of agreements, pools, defensive and offensive alliances, and fusions that prevail in ocean shipping today. Martha 1 September Edward 24 July Admiral Branning 1 November Only a few Germans emigrated from other European ports. Goethe 7 July Humphrey 25 July Luntine 23 June Bark Edmund 23 June Except for the discovery of transcripts of Bremen lists for the years 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 at the German State Archives in Koblentz, no copies of the Bremen passenger lists have ever come to light. SS Bremen 25 June Josephine 8 November Camera 13 December Bremen 21 November Paoli 20 December Antilope 13 August Charlotte 20 September The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=Hamburg_Emigration/Immigration&oldid=5187154. Elise 1 January Reform 4 September [1][2], 1832 - lists of passengers begin Stephani 30 December Telegraph 25 April Louise 17 June Henry 15 October Sju Brder 22 November Diana 11 November Mary Phillips 9 September In the early 1830s, Bremen was doing well in its trade with America, while Hamburg trade was mostly with the West Indies and Latin America. You should also look for leads to other records about your ancestors, Switch to a different record collection. Ann 1 September Bremen 9 August reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. In 1575 a great number of people from the Netherlands immigrated to Hamburg and brought much prosperity to the city. Camera 13 December Philadelphia 10 October Hualco 21 August Europa 8 November Elise 8 September Telumah 12 November Bremen 14 September SS Leipzig 17 July In 1872 were established the Kosmos Line, around Cape Horn to Chili and Peru, and the Kingsin Line, a freight service from Hamburg to the Far East through the Suez Canal, which had been opened three years before. Isabella 28 August Elise 17 March Clementine 28 July Brig Antoinette 13 June Especially was this true for the years 1865- 66-67. Europa 18 January SS Neckar 21 January [4] Report of the Commissioner of Immigration in the 1907 Report of the Department of Commerce and Labor. Garonne 21 August German Departures 1850s Ohio Elise Columbia Columbia Johannes Leontine Meta Europa Brutus Brutus Herschel Leila Alexander Leibnitz Hudson FJ Wichelhausen Louise Marie Louise Marie President Smidt Hermann Ernestine Adolphine Minna Queen Mathilde Colonist Neptune Edmund Uhland Anna Washington Itzstein and Welcker Marianne Helene Albert America Ocean Ship Uhland 16 June From the Historisches Museum Bremerhaven. N W Stevens 23 October Elise 6 December There are additional sources listed in the FamilySearch Catalog: These links lead to listings of emigration records for several provinces/states of the German Empire: This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Luntine 23 June Charlotte 1 June Friedrich Jacob 14 June Albert 19 August In the ports controlled by the Hanse city of Bremen, ship . Ship Sirius 23 September Brig Charles Ferdinand 4 August Condor 9 August Pay special attention to how the name should have been pronounced and try variations on the pronunciation. Louise 21 May Diana 11 November Description [ edit] The ship was 357 feet 0 inches (108.81 m) long, with a beam of 41 feet 0 inches (12.50 m) and a depth of 26 feet 0 inches (7.92 m). SS Donau 31 March Bark E. Beaulien 6 January Philadelphia 11 May Stephani 30 December Agnes 29 December anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Stephani 12 July In the three years 1866- 66-67 the Hapag distributed 20, 20 and 16 per cent in dividends, respectively. Ajax 11 September Hualco 21 August Emma 7 October The ship logo, which is still used in part, was . In Germany, Bremen had a good reputation as a port of departure because its laws forced shipowners to provide a basic minimum of space and food. Barque Pioneer 21 September, 1845 Paoli 9 August Washington 25 February ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be Such documents were restricted to time and space. Clementine 18 January Mercur 24 August Bremen, Germany. Friedrich Jacob 16 June Post 23 June SS Rhein 13 January Newspaper Announcements. After docking in New York on August 28, 1939, only four days before the outbreak of World War II, Captain Adolf Ahrens of Germany's North German Lloyd shipping line was faced with a decision. Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild. N W Stevens 23 October Elise 8 September She was launched on 21 April 1886 and made her maiden voyage on 18 August 1886. In 1987 and 1990 those lists were given back to the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. Caspar 22 September The Galveston-Bremen Project Bremen 9 August For example, from 1841-1846, 115,000 emigrants left Europe via Bremen; however, only 11,000 emigrants departed via Hamburg. Many records consist of applications and accompanying documents that were collected by district offices. But Germany did send us men. Albert 12 August Copernicus 4 August Constitution 23 June Bark Weser 26 November, 1867 Condor 9 August Margaretha 1 September Active 23 July Louise 17 June Iris 24 December Westphalia 31 December Sophie 19 August DEUTSCHLAND. From 1832, Bremen port officials kept meticulous records on their ships' passengers. General Veazie 8 November Goethe 25 July On 22 August 1939, she began her last voyage to New York. Constitution 15 November Bark Eduard 13 August For the actual lists see: www.passengerlists.de. The records are found in the State Archive Hamburg. Elise 6 December Albert 17 February Diana 11 November Since 1907 the Hapag has also shared this service. Stephani 3 June Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Bark Johanna 16 May Sarah Ann 6 October Olbers 8 December United States 12 November When the allies occupied Germany at the end of WWII, the Institute was closed and later re-opened as the Institut fr Austlandsbeziehungen. Sometimes these notes include the year of emigration and names of those who went with the person. At the close of the Franco-Prussian war, French chauvinists had insulted German emigrants in Havre and permanently diverted to Hamburg and Bremen the stream that had flowed to the French port. Everhard 25 May The rates offered by the competing companies had drawn freight away from the sailers, and the Hapag did not let it return. Ferdinand 15 August Rajah 28 October Ajax 11 September Brunswick 17 October, 1836 Between 1830 and 1914, more than four million people left Europe via Hamburg. For example, from 1841-1846, 115,000 emigrants left Europe via Bremen; however, only 11,000 emigrants departed via Hamburg. Louise 9 September Bashan 3 November Latrobe 2 August Camera 13 December Leontine 28 June Goethe 25 July Ship Hermine 17 January Caspar 29 June History. Ann 1 September America 12 July SS Donau 29 April, 1879 Mandatory passports were required only in times of crises, when there were epidemics and political or military conflicts. Antilope 13 August Edward 24 July Louise 21 May Eliza Thornton 30 October Ship Mississippi 16 July Ship Pharsalia 11 November, 1849 Astracan 23 December Ship O. Thijen 23 June Lucilla 3rd Quarter Bark Neptune 6 November Bachus 12 September She was sold to Italy in 1896 and was renamed Seravalle, being scrapped in that year. Foreign trade grew -- Hamburgs hinterland demanded increased grain, meat and other foodstuffs, fertilizers and fodder and the raw materials of industry; it exported more and more potash, sugar and manufactured goods as Germany became established in the markets of the world. These sources may be passenger lists, permissions to emigrate, or records of passports issued. Bark Constitution 19 October Marianne 20 July In 1763 Catherine the Great of Russia offered free land, no taxes for thirty years, freedom of religion, and other incentives to encourage Germans to settle her vast, sparsely populated domain. Diana 3 June Mads Weil 1 October This page was last edited on 15 September 2022, at 09:20. Henry 15 October President 17 July German Research: Hansel and Gretel: Finding our German ancestors' trail home, Internet Resources for Finding 19th Century German Emigrants, Germany - Emigration and immigration - Indexes, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach), https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=Germany_Emigration_and_Immigration&oldid=5044874, Dozens of other published emigrant lists are listed in the Place Search of the. Semiramis 18 August Steamer Ohio 31 July Stern 9 July The Hapags three sailing vessels of 1848 maintained a monthly service with New York, averaging forty-one days on the ocean west-bound, twenty-nine days east-bound. The rules and regulations of the "Nachweisungsbureau" considerably improved the quality of both the stay at Bremen prior to the sailing plus the seaworthiness of the ships. Washington 29 September Isabella 28 August Passports were both status symbol for uninterrupted travel and legal documentation for members belonging to fringe groups. Johann Friedrich 19 June Washington 25 February Constitution 15 November The SS Bremen was built by F. Schichau of Danzig for the Norddeutscher-Lloyd line. Mercur 24 August Bark Edmund 3 November Ship Johanne Wilhelmine 5 November Ship Ocean 13 January 1842 Germans had to apply for permission to emigrate from most areas. Ellen Brooks 28 October Everhard 30 December The cards appear to have been in good condition when they were microfilmed in 1988. Luntine 23 June Bark Josephine 10 November Sarah Ann 6 October Olbers 13 June Content: Passenger lists. Sophie 19 August Washington 26 October 1844 This page has been viewed 44,539 times (3,302 via redirect). Namenskartei aus den Bremer Schiffslisten (Bremen Ship Passengers 1904-1914). Brig Telegraph 25 April Virginia 29 July Bremen 4 December Caspar 22 September People had to swear alliegiance, pay a yearly fee, and report all suspicious actvities. Ship Ernestine 4 June Monday - Friday 9am-4pm; Saturday & Sunday Closed; Nov. 24 & 25 Closed; Dec. 24-Jan. 2 Closed; Assistance with Library research is available W-TH 9am-4pm, F 9am-Noon. Bark Clara 17 December, 1868 Marianne 20 September 1845 Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Ferdinand 15 August Copernicus 23 June Bark Geestemunde 9 June Semiramis 18 August Eliza Thornton 30 October In 1895 the German emigration dropped to 82,000 and has never since reached 50,000. Leontine 28 June Knickerbocker 9 September Friedrich Jacob 16 June [1] In view of the luxury that prevails on the companys New York boats and the prices which passengers must pay for it, it is suggested that the initial letters mean, Haben alle Passagiere auch Geld? (Are all passengers well supplied with money?). This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 21:20. Northern and eastern Germans tended to leave through Hamburg. The "Ordinance Concerning the Emigration Traveling on Domestic or Foreign Ships" of 1832 in Bremen was the first state law to protect emigrants. Rebecca 9 September Ship Phoenix 19 May Apollo 13 August Ship Copernicus 2 June Barque Salem 25 November This database also includes transcriptions of card indexes for Bremen passenger lists from 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 (also see . Europa 18 January Brarens 18 January Friedrich Leo 2 August Brig Margaret 31 March Bremen, Germany to New York 22 May 1867 . Includes "Ship Lists of Passengers Leaving France for Louisiana" (1718-1724) originally published in the Louisiana Historical Society Quarterly Website: New Orleans Passenger Arrival Lists 1813 Luise 22 May Kepler 17 December Republic 13 June Paoli 20 December 1843 Virginia 26 June Philadelphia 21 September Inez 2 December Devonshire 18 November 1849/1850 Karl W. Klber: Bremen and Hamburg emigration lists. Humphrey 10 July Ship Monmouth 23 December, 1854 Emigration via Hamburg dropped to 78,808 in 1908; in Bremen it dropped to 74,626. Bremen Packet 11 December Bremen 14 September Charlotte 1 June [8] K. Thiess : Die Hamburg-Amerika Linie, page 34. Telegraph 25 April The ships will call at a hundred or more places on the west coast. See the list of sources at the bottom of the page. Globe 17 September Rainbow 26 August A P Sharp 12 November Philadelphia 4 January Stephani 8 February Philadelphia 10 October SS Ohio 21 July FamilySearch - Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1904-1914. Grace Brown 17 July It was created by the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, who was interested in documenting German groups outside of Germany. 631 D St Lincoln, NE 68502 (402) 474-3363. Sju Brder 22 November Friedrich Jacob 14 June Assuming an average fare of $86.00 per steerage passenger, the income of either company for the year from this service alone was five and one fourth million dollars. Arab 8 September Europe 29 May Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Favorite 12 November Continue with Recommended Cookies. Plato 30 October In order to do this, the companys capital was increased from sixteen and one half to twenty-two and one half million marks; it had to be scaled down to fifteen million in 1877. Everhard 30 December Clarissa Perkins 11 July anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Many Russian Germans moved to the United States, Canada, or South America beginning in 1874. Ship Julius & Eduard Passenger List - Bremen to Baltimore 1834 . Pilot 6 July Goethe 7 July The Canary Islands will be the first port of the service. Bark Mississippi 10 June The panic of 1873 set in and held up further advances. General Washington 24 November, 1842 Paoli 20 December In 1910, emigration had about regained its normal status. SS Berlin 2 May Rainbow 26 August SS Main 17 August Grace Brown 17 July Dorothea Louise 11 August Garonne 21 August Vesper 13 September Charlemagne 15 July Ship Emigrant 3 September Lucilla 3rd Quarter With the exception of 2,953 passenger lists for the year 1920-1939 all other lists were lost in World War II. Hamburg was the transitional stop for emigrants from the Northern German coastal countries as well as from Eastern European countries. the "e-migration mice"). Charlotte 22 April This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Heretofore all trade between the United States and the west coast has been carried by way of Hamburg and Liverpool. General Veazie 5 November Garonne 21 August SS Nagel 22 January Bashan 3 November Stephani 14 October Washington 26 October Europa 8 November All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means Diana 5 August F H Adami 25 October Current database may be searched at the museum in Bremerhaven or by mail for a fee. Edwina 30 June Bark Neptune 15 December, 1849 Howard 22 October Emma 7 October After WWII some of these lists and a card index were archived at the "Bundesarchiv Koblenz" as Bremen Shiplists. By 1867 the last of the sailers was sold. Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Bark Jupiter 7 September Goethe 25 July are not known to have survived for sailing ships from Germany. This collection includes records from 1904 to 1914 of handwritten cards, covering the information of approximately 8,800 passengers. ISTG Vol 19 - Bremen Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild Bremen List of Passengers arrived from Foreign Ports, In the Port of Galveston, during the Second Quarter (10 May), 1871 (John Hellmers, Master) Brig Jon. Pioneer 2 September In the following year, the Hapag made the Kosmos Line let the Hapag share its extremely profitable service to West America under an agreement whereby either company supplies a certain proportion of the total number of steamers dispatched per year. F H Adami 25 October These usually focus on the emigrants from one town, principality, or state. This article describes a collection of records at FamilySearch.org. Sophie 19 August Elizabeth Hall of Dighton 1 September Westphalia 17 February Diamant 17 October Republic 13 June B. Bohlen 11 June Bark Ella 26 November, 1852 Ship Hermine 27 August, 1857 Diana 3 June Isobella 27 April The port of Bremen, Germany was a major point of embarkation for emigrations during the 19th and 20th centuries. Steamer Washington 4 June Paoli 20 December SS Berlin 10 February Isabella 5 July Bark Auguste 4 October This was the first transatlantic sailing of a Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer. Brig Ulysses 19 September For some countries, such as Austria, the arrangement is chronological by departure date, with names grouped alphabetically by ship name for that date. The freight business of the Hapag began to dwarf its passenger business even on the New York line. Bremen 12 August Hours. Pauline 9 October Diana 5 August Hamburg became the most important emigration port in Germany by 1900. General Washington 24 November, 1843 SS Main (1927) was a 7,624-ton passenger/cargo ship completed in January 1927 by Bremer Vulkan in Bremen-Vegesack, Germany, for Norddeutscher Lloyd. http://FamilySearch.org : 18 July 2022. Until well into the nineties the transportation of steerage passengers played the chief role in the New York business of the Hapag and the Lloyd and its profits enabled those companies to build up their fleets. Isabella 28 August This card file was created by the Deutsches Ausland-Institut from Bremen passenger ship lists sometime between WWI and WWII. General Veazie 5 November N W Stevens 23 October Cordova 24 November [5] GGA Image ID # 141409098a. United States 12 November B. Bohlen 11 June Ship Rebecca 4 November Cordova 24 November Ferdinand 15 August Olbers 12 December Bremen 14 September Ship Olbers 21 January Garonne 21 August The ships will have special provision for wild animals, whose food, supplied by the shippers, will be carried free. In 1856 the companys first steamer, the Borussia, was put into service, though the struggle for supremacy between sailing and steam vessels was by no means decided. In 1935, Bremen became a regular city at the de facto abolition of statehood of all component German states within the Third Reich. Luntine 23 June Edwina 30 June Devonshire 18 November In 1904, when conditions had changed and there was no longer fear of Russian or Italian competition, the line was withdrawn; New York goods for the Levant were again brought to Hamburg and transshipped there to the steamers of the German Levant Line.[8]. Westphalia 31 December B. Bohlen 11 June Edward 24 July Agnes 29 December For a comprehensive understanding of emigration and immigration records, study the article Germany Emigration and Immigration. Ann 1 September Stephani 14 October All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means In 1888 the Carr steamers were purchased; the 1886 agreement with Sloman ran on until 1907, when his steamers also were bought. Any description of the development or present status of Hamburg lines must center in the Hamburg-American Line. These records are written in German. Martha 1 September President 17 July Isabella 5 July History of Emigration from the German Ports of Hamburg and Bremen with a discussion of how the two major steamship companies competed with one another for the immigrant trade. This can help you identify other generations of your family. GGA Image ID # 1413c7c12c. Rainbow 26 August Louise 24 October Diana 24 November Louisa 23 May SS Berlin 2 May SS Adolphine 18 January Their nearest rival was the Cunard Line, which in 1906 landed in New York from its British and its Mediterranean services 107,790 steerage passengers.In 1906-07 the two German lines handled approximately one fourth the total American immigration. Everhard 30 December Brig Reform 29 November, 1851 SS Oder 30 September Bark Eliza Thornton 30 October Then, in 1874, the authorities (the "Nachweisungsbureau"), citing a lack of space, destroyed all Bremen passenger records except for those of the current year and the two previous years. Trenton 16 December Apollo 7 July Bremen started her South America cruise on 11 February 1939, and was the first ship of this size to traverse the Panama Canal. Eliza Thornton 30 October N W Stevens 23 October Sir Isaac Newton 19 June Grace Brown 17 July Ship Elise 8 September
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