ConflictingIdentities - The user could not be found. client_id: Your application's Client ID. ViralUserLegalAgeConsentRequiredState - The user requires legal age group consent. Resolution. If it's your own tenant policy, you can change your restricted tenant settings to fix this issue. The solution is found in Google Authenticator App itself. It can be ignored. Required if. DesktopSsoIdentityInTicketIsNotAuthenticated - Kerberos authentication attempt failed. UserAccountNotInDirectory - The user account doesnt exist in the directory. Authorizing OAuth Apps - GitHub Docs cancel. error=invalid_grant, error_description=Authorization code is invalid or expired OutMessageContext:OutMessageContextentityId: OAuthClientIDTW (null)virtualServerId: nullBinding: oauth:token-endpointparams: {error=invalid_grant, error_description=Authorization code is invalid or expired. For a description of the error codes and the recommended client action, see Error codes for token endpoint errors. The client requested silent authentication (, Another authentication step or consent is required. For best security, we recommend using certificate credentials. Or, check the certificate in the request to ensure it's valid. Paste the authorize URL into a web browser. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. Both single-page apps and traditional web apps benefit from reduced latency in this model. When an invalid client ID is given. Please contact your admin to fix the configuration or consent on behalf of the tenant. Retry the request. To fix, the application administrator updates the credentials. NameID claim or NameIdentifier is mandatory in SAML response and if Azure AD failed to get source attribute for NameID claim, it will return this error. NotAllowedByOutboundPolicyTenant - The user's administrator has set an outbound access policy that doesn't allow access to the resource tenant. A cloud redirect error is returned. Have a question or can't find what you're looking for? During development, this usually indicates an incorrectly setup test tenant or a typo in the name of the scope being requested. The client application can notify the user that it can't continue unless the user consents. To ensure security and best practices, the Microsoft identity platform returns an error if you attempt to use a spa redirect URI without an Origin header. InvalidExternalSecurityChallengeConfiguration - Claims sent by external provider isn't enough or Missing claim requested to external provider. NonConvergedAppV2GlobalEndpointNotSupported - The application isn't supported over the, PasswordChangeInvalidNewPasswordContainsMemberName. An OAuth 2.0 refresh token. When an invalid request parameter is given. When the original request method was POST, the redirected request will also use the POST method. {identityTenant} - is the tenant where signing-in identity is originated from. Authorization Code - A list of STS-specific error codes that can help in diagnostics. The only type that Azure AD supports is Bearer. Status Codes - API v2 | Zoho Creator Help InvalidXml - The request isn't valid. The error field has several possible values - review the protocol documentation links and OAuth 2.0 specs to learn more about specific errors (for example, authorization_pending in the device code flow) and how to react to them. ERROR: "Token is invalid or expired" while registering Secure Agent in CDI ERROR: "The required file agent_token.dat was not found in the directory path" while registering Secure Agent to IICS org in CDI I have verified this is only happening if I use okta_form_post, other response types seems to be working fine. Error responses may also be sent to the redirect_uri so the app can handle them appropriately: The following table describes the various error codes that can be returned in the error parameter of the error response. Some common ones are listed here: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge,, Use tenant restrictions to manage access to SaaS cloud applications, Reset a user's password using Azure Active Directory. Check that the parameter used for the redirect URL is redirect_uri as shown below. . Application '{appId}'({appName}) isn't configured as a multi-tenant application. GraphRetryableError - The service is temporarily unavailable. Misconfigured application. For more detail on refreshing an access token, refer to, A JSON Web Token. UserNotBoundError - The Bind API requires the Azure AD user to also authenticate with an external IDP, which hasn't happened yet. If it continues to fail. It can be a string of any content that you wish. Since the access key is what's incorrect, I would try trimming your URI param to http://<namespace> . This usually occurs when the client application isn't registered in Azure AD or isn't added to the user's Azure AD tenant. Here are the basic steps I am taking to try to obtain an access token: Construct the authorize URL. The requested access token. Flow doesn't support and didn't expect a code_challenge parameter. "The web application is using an invalid authorization code. Please The application developer will receive this error if their app attempts to sign into a tenant that we cannot find. ID must not begin with a number, so a common strategy is to prepend a string like "ID" to the string representation of a GUID. You or the service you are using that hit v1/token endpoint is taking too long to call the token endpoint. Client app ID: {appId}({appName}). This is described in the OAuth 2.0 error code specification RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework. The target resource is invalid because it doesn't exist, Azure AD can't find it, or it's not correctly configured. You may need to update the version of the React and AuthJS SDKS to resolve it. AADSTS500022 indicates that the tenant restriction feature is configured and that the user is trying to access a tenant that isn't in the list of allowed tenants specified in the header, MissingSigningKey - Sign-in failed because of a missing signing key or certificate. The specified client_secret does not match the expected value for this client. Browsers don't pass the fragment to the web server. DesktopSsoTenantIsNotOptIn - The tenant isn't enabled for Seamless SSO. Step 3) Then tap on " Sync now ". Authorization Server at Authorization Endpoint validates the authentication request and uses the request parameters to determine whether the user is already authenticated. Protocol error, such as a missing required parameter. User logged in using a session token that is missing the integrated Windows authentication claim. The resolution is to use a custom sign-in widget which authenticates first the user and then authorizes them to access the OpenID Connect application. User account '{email}' from identity provider '{idp}' does not exist in tenant '{tenant}' and cannot access the application '{appid}'({appName}) in that tenant. A supported type of SAML response was not found. HTTP GET is required. The app can use the authorization code to request an access token for the target resource. 9: The ABA code is invalid: 10: The account number is invalid: 11: A duplicate transaction has been submitted. RequestIssueTimeExpired - IssueTime in an SAML2 Authentication Request is expired. The Pingfederate Cluster is set up as Two runtime-engine nodes two separate AWS edge regions. If you expect the app to be installed, you may need to provide administrator permissions to add it. InvalidClient - Error validating the credentials. Okta error codes and descriptions This document contains a complete list of all errors that the Okta API returns. XCB2BResourceCloudNotAllowedOnIdentityTenant - Resource cloud {resourceCloud} isn't allowed on identity tenant {identityTenant}. Applications can't use a spa redirect URI with non-SPA flows, for example, native applications or client credential flows. Refresh them after they expire to continue accessing resources. This means that a user isn't signed in. The grant type isn't supported over the /common or /consumers endpoints. Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. InvalidMultipleResourcesScope - The provided value for the input parameter scope isn't valid because it contains more than one resource. All of these additions are required to request an ID token: new scopes, a new response_type, and a new nonce query parameter. If you attempt to use the authorization code flow without setting up CORS for your redirect URI, you will see this error in the console: If so, visit your app registration and update the redirect URI for your app to use the spa type. Retry the request with the same resource, interactively, so that the user can complete any challenges required. Check the agent logs for more info and verify that Active Directory is operating as expected. DeviceAuthenticationFailed - Device authentication failed for this user. Refresh tokens are long-lived. UserStrongAuthClientAuthNRequired - Due to a configuration change made by the admin such as a Conditional Access policy, per-user enforcement, or because you moved to a new location, the user must use multi-factor authentication to access the resource. A specific error message that can help a developer identify the cause of an authentication error. Error codes and messages are subject to change. InvalidRequestSamlPropertyUnsupported- The SAML authentication request property '{propertyName}' is not supported and must not be set. The authorization server doesn't support the authorization grant type. code: The authorization_code retrieved in the previous step of this tutorial. Check the security policies that are defined on the tenant level to determine if your request meets the policy requirements. I get authorization token with response_type=okta_form_post. api - Expired authorization code - Salesforce Stack Exchange The server encountered an unexpected error. The code_challenge value was invalid, such as not being base64 encoded. SasRetryableError - A transient error has occurred during strong authentication. Call Your API Using the Authorization Code Flow - Auth0 Docs This could be due to one of the following: the client has not listed any permissions for '{name}' in the requested permissions in the client's application registration. Common authorization issues - Blackbaud Viewed 471 times 1 I am using OAuth2 to authorize the user I generate the URL at the backend send the url to the frontend (which is in VUE ) which open it in the new window the callback url is one of the . If a required parameter is missing from the request. Authorisation code error - Questions - Okta Developer Community . Once the user authenticates and grants consent, the Microsoft identity platform returns a response to your app at the indicated redirect_uri, using the method specified in the response_mode parameter. SignoutInitiatorNotParticipant - Sign out has failed. The value submitted in authCode was more than six characters in length. Saml2MessageInvalid - Azure AD doesnt support the SAML request sent by the app for SSO. Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. The use of fragment as a response mode causes issues for web apps that read the code from the redirect. ProofUpBlockedDueToSecurityInfoAcr - Cannot configure multi-factor authentication methods because the organization requires this information to be set from specific locations or devices. DeviceOnlyTokensNotSupportedByResource - The resource isn't configured to accept device-only tokens. This type of error should occur only during development and be detected during initial testing. Set this to authorization_code. Refresh tokens can be invalidated/expired in these cases. Can you please open a support case with us at in order to have one of our Developer Support Engineers further assist you? Check the apps logic to ensure that token caching is implemented, and that error conditions are handled correctly. Solution. var oktaSignIn = new OktaSignIn ( { baseUrl: "https://dev-123456.okta . Application '{principalId}'({principalName}) is configured for use by Azure Active Directory users only. Valid values are, You can use this parameter to pre-fill the username and email address field of the sign-in page for the user. Try again. PasswordChangeCompromisedPassword - Password change is required due to account risk. ThresholdJwtInvalidJwtFormat - Issue with JWT header. An application likely chose the wrong tenant to sign into, and the currently logged in user was prevented from doing so since they did not exist in your tenant. It shouldn't be used in a native app, because a. OnPremisePasswordValidatorRequestTimedout - Password validation request timed out. See. An admin can re-enable this account. License Authorization: Status: AUTHORIZED on Sep 22 12:41:02 2021 EDT Last Communication Attempt: FAILED on Sep 22 12:41:02 2021 EDT ChromeBrowserSsoInterruptRequired - The client is capable of obtaining an SSO token through the Windows 10 Accounts extension, but the token was not found in the request or the supplied token was expired. One thought comes to mind. You or the service you are using that hit v1/token endpoint is taking too long to call the token endpoint. DesktopSsoMismatchBetweenTokenUpnAndChosenUpn - The user trying to sign in to Azure AD is different from the user signed into the device. Usage of the /common endpoint isn't supported for such applications created after '{time}'. Authorization Server performs the following steps at Authorization Endpoint: Client sends an authentication request in the specified format to Authorization Endpoint. External ID token from issuer failed signature verification. SignoutUnknownSessionIdentifier - Sign out has failed. 73: The drivers license date of birth is invalid. This indicates that the redirect URI used to request the token has not been marked as a spa redirect URI. An ID token for the user, issued by using the, A space-separated list of scopes. If the user hasn't consented to any of those permissions, it asks the user to consent to the required permissions. When a given parameter is too long. You can also link directly to a specific error by adding the error code number to the URL: NotAllowedByInboundPolicyTenant - The resource tenant's cross-tenant access policy doesn't allow this user to access this tenant. The authorization_code is returned to a web server running on the client at the specified port. Step 1) You need to go to settings by tapping on three vertical dots on the top right corner. Our scenario was this: users are centrally managed in Active Directory a user could log in via https but could NOT login via API this user had a "1" as suffix in his GitLab username (compared to the AD username) ExternalChallengeNotSupportedForPassthroughUsers - External challenge isn't supported for passthroughusers. They Sit behind a Web application Firewall (Imperva) InvalidSamlToken - SAML assertion is missing or misconfigured in the token. The initial login may be able to successfully get tokens for the user, but it sounds like the renewal of the tokens is failing. User revokes access to your application. An error code string that can be used to classify types of errors, and to react to errors. Okta API Error Codes | Okta Developer 202: DCARDEXPIRED: Decline . To learn who the user is before redeeming an authorization code, it's common for applications to also request an ID token when they request the authorization code. Contact the tenant admin. GuestUserInPendingState - The user account doesnt exist in the directory. The authorization server MAY revoke the old refresh token after issuing a new refresh token to the client.". 75: The Code_Verifier doesn't match the code_challenge supplied in the authorization request. While reading tokens is a useful debugging and learning tool, do not take dependencies on this in your code or assume specifics about tokens that aren't for an API you control. Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. This error is non-standard. A randomly generated unique value is typically used for, Indicates the type of user interaction that is required. Try executing this request and more in Postman -- don't forget to replace tokens and IDs! Problem Implementing OIDC with OKTA #232 - GitHub To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. InvalidRealmUri - The requested federation realm object doesn't exist. SelectUserAccount - This is an interrupt thrown by Azure AD, which results in UI that allows the user to select from among multiple valid SSO sessions. The scopes must all be from a single resource, along with OIDC scopes (, The application secret that you created in the app registration portal for your app. Try signing in again. The refresh token is used to obtain a new access token and new refresh token. The hybrid flow is commonly used in web apps to render a page for a user without blocking on code redemption, notably in ASP.NET. Specify a valid scope. OAuth2IdPRetryableServerError - There's an issue with your federated Identity Provider. The app can decode the segments of this token to request information about the user who signed in. This is the format of the authorization grant code from the a first request (formatting not JSON as it's output from go): { realUserStatus:1 , authorizationCode:xxxx , fullName: { middleName:null nameSuffix:null namePrefix:null givenName:null familyName:null nickname:null} state:null identityToken:xxxxxxx email:null user:xxxxx } How to fix 'error: invalid_grant Invalid authorization code' when A space-separated list of scopes. If you are having a response that says The authorization code is invalid or has expired than there are two possibilities. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Expected Behavior No stack trace when logging . ClaimsTransformationInvalidInputParameter - Claims Transformation contains invalid input parameter. Apps can use this parameter during reauthentication, after already extracting the, If included, the app skips the email-based discovery process that user goes through on the sign-in page, leading to a slightly more streamlined user experience. Refresh token needs social IDP login. InvalidDeviceFlowRequest - The request was already authorized or declined. Authorization token has expired - Unity Forum OnPremiseStoreIsNotAvailable - The Authentication Agent is unable to connect to Active Directory. In the. Replace the old refresh token with this newly acquired refresh token to ensure your refresh tokens remain valid for as long as possible. How it is possible since I am using the authorization code for the first time? The following table shows 400 errors with description. Only present when the error lookup system has additional information about the error - not all error have additional information provided. SsoArtifactRevoked - The session isn't valid due to password expiration or recent password change. Or, check the application identifier in the request to ensure it matches the configured client application identifier. Don't see anything wrong with your code. The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_assertion' or 'client_secret'. For more info, see. The app has made too many of the same request in too short a period, indicating that it is in a faulty state or is abusively requesting tokens. The credit card has expired. The app that initiated sign out isn't a participant in the current session. Check to make sure you have the correct tenant ID. InvalidUserNameOrPassword - Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password. Saml2AuthenticationRequestInvalidNameIDPolicy - SAML2 Authentication Request has invalid NameIdPolicy. Sign out and sign in with a different Azure AD user account. NoMatchedAuthnContextInOutputClaims - The authentication method by which the user authenticated with the service doesn't match requested authentication method. The OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant type, or auth code flow, enables a client application to obtain authorized access to protected resources like web APIs. This exception is thrown for blocked tenants. Regards Hope It solves further confusions regarding invalid code. This is due to privacy features in browsers that block third party cookies. How to resolve error 401 Unauthorized - Postman Accept-application/json, Error getting is {error:invalid_grant,error_description:The authorization code is invalid or has expired.}, invalid assertion, expired authorization token, bad end-user password credentials, or mismatching authorization code and redirection URI). Bring the value of host applications to new digital platforms with no-code/low-code modernization. LoopDetected - A client loop has been detected. An application likely chose the wrong tenant to sign into, and the currently logged in user was prevented from doing so since they did not exist in your tenant. The token was issued on XXX and was inactive for a certain amount of time. TenantThrottlingError - There are too many incoming requests. The new Azure AD sign-in and Keep me signed in experiences rolling out now! For additional information, please visit. Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. The credit card has expired. Refresh tokens aren't revoked when used to acquire new access tokens. The code that you are receiving has backslashes in it. User-restricted endpoints - HMRC Developer Hub - GOV.UK ERROR: "Authentication failed due to: [Token is invalid or expired Some common ones are listed here: AADSTS error codes Next steps Have a question or can't find what you're looking for? If this user should be able to log in, add them as a guest. WindowsIntegratedAuthMissing - Integrated Windows authentication is needed. The user must enroll their device with an approved MDM provider like Intune. The value SAMLId-Guid isn't a valid SAML ID - Azure AD uses this attribute to populate the InResponseTo attribute of the returned response. This scenario is supported only if the resource that's specified is using the GUID-based application ID. Create a GitHub issue or see Support and help options for developers to learn about other ways you can get help and support. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, The authorization code is invalid or has expired, Example Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. BlockedByConditionalAccessOnSecurityPolicy - The tenant admin has configured a security policy that blocks this request. The authorization code that the app requested. The authorization server doesn't support the authorization grant type. Invalid client secret is provided. Make sure that you own the license for the module that caused this error. If that's the case, you have to contact the owner of the server and ask them for another invite. OrgIdWsTrustDaTokenExpired - The user DA token is expired. The authorization code is invalid. Current cloud instance 'Z' does not federate with X. The authorization code is invalid or has expired when we call /authorize api, i am able to get Auth code, but when trying to invoke /token API always i am getting "The authorization code is invalid or has expired" this error. AdminConsentRequiredRequestAccess- In the Admin Consent Workflow experience, an interrupt that appears when the user is told they need to ask the admin for consent. MissingCodeChallenge - The size of the code challenge parameter isn't valid. UnauthorizedClientAppNotFoundInOrgIdTenant - Application with identifier {appIdentifier} was not found in the directory. Retry the request. Authorization code is invalid or expired Error: invalid_grant I formerly had this working, but moved code to my local dev machine. Plus Unity UI tells me that I'm still logged in, I do not understand the issue. The request requires user consent. UserAccountSelectionInvalid - You'll see this error if the user selects on a tile that the session select logic has rejected. You can check Oktas logs to see a pattern that a user is granted a token and then there is a failed. The app can decode the segments of this token to request information about the user who signed in. The OAuth 2.0 spec says: "The authorization server MAY issue a new refresh token, in which case the client MUST discard the old refresh token and replace it with the new refresh token.
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