It's also called Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon, or Sanguine Moon. If you love reading about eerie predictions and the end of the world, you've come to the right place. The general public believed the likeliest cause would be nuclear war, while experts thought it would be artificial intelligence. The likelihood of a zombie apocalypse like the ones portrayed in movies and TV shows is slim to say the least, but in the slums of some of America' . While it might not be the typical scenario that youre used to seeing depicted in Hollywood movies, the reality of the situation is no less frightening. I can also shoot a gun and am pretty good at archery. They dont even turn into zombies they just shots guns and stuff this is stupid at first I believed in u now since I read the whole this its Stupid I do not believe you, Im 10 years old and Ive been telling my friends that there will be a real zombie apocalypse from the begning of 4th grade and now I know the real zombie apocalypse is now and later now by what you told us and later zombies walking around like they rule the world which they wil if we dont stick together, Ive been prepare me and my BFF are going to stick together and be boss we are all ready, are you people who say its not going to happen are dumb. Ophiocordyceps feed on the insects they attach to, growing into and out of their bodies until the insects die. There is a sense of entitlement. Recently, scientists have discovered tiny organisms carried by house cats that can infect the human brain causing everything from altered brain chemistry and changes in personality to schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Parkinsons disease. Thats 9.82 people a day! [4][7] The prevalence of Abrahamic religions throughout modern history is said to have created a culture which encourages the embracement of a future that will be drastically different from the present. The Shakers, a Christian sect founded in 18th century England, predicted the world would end in 1792 and then in 1794. Special environments such as deep ocean sediments and permafrost are very good preservers of microbes [and viruses] because they are cold, anoxic [oxygen-free], and [] dark, they add. [9][10] In the UK in 2015, 23% of the general public believed the apocalypse was likely to occur in their lifetime, compared to 10% of experts from the Global Challenges Foundation. Im serious about this article because, no shit, this really is happening and being a country boy, I am ready for the disaster to hit home and I already have a set plan to be ready and do what I have to do for me and my family to survive. When you spot erratic behavior have a plan in place of how youll deal with any threat that might arise. Dixon predicted a planetary alignment on this date was to bring destruction to the world. Its no secret that drugs are bad for you, but sometimes impurities in drugs can cause erratic behavior beyond the drugs expected side effects. Octobers Full Moon is the Hunters Moon. Why do people think of the first things to grab to kill zombies is guns can jam easy the best thing would be bows, cross bows, knives, swords, and Spears would work best ik all this and Im 14 I prepare myself for wut is happening like today is worse than any days!!!!! After death, the body enters a long process of decomposition, as its organic elements split into simpler components. I dont even know where to start. If the photo will generate a lot of likes, what difference does it make if you move past the safety barrier to get close to the jaguar for a better picture? Swedenborg, a former Lutheran, claimed that the, Based on a misunderstanding of a talk given by astronomer. Miller, a Baptist preacher, predicted Christ would return on this date. Axe, pry bar, hammer . . When reanimated, P. sibericum only infected amoebas archaic unicellular organisms but happily not humans or other animals. Thats why zombie stories are resonating so much. According to some sources, some prophecies were falsely attributed to Baba Vanga after her passing in 1996. But those jokes, sadly, may have a basis in reality. Unlike you. this aint real sweetheart. [11][12][13], List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events, the fall of 1975 would be 6000 years since man's creation, Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days, Church of God Preparing for the Kingdom of God, List of topics characterized as pseudoscience, Predictions and claims for the Second Coming, Unfulfilled Christian religious predictions, "200-Year-Old "Messiah Clock" Sets Last Possible Date for Final Redemption and the Timing Will Surprise You! In my country, everyone is able to go to a GOVERNMENTAL test center and test their drugs. Thank you for spreading the info. Social psychologists Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken, and Stanley Schachter infiltrated Martins group to study the effects of such convictions and the groups reactions when the prophesied event did not occur. This mathematician calculated that Judgement Day would begin at 8:00 am on this date. a native of San Francisco, was living a rather typical, happy life until 2015. Because whats going on over the seas is what you should really be worried about, not all of this ZOMBIE bull crap. Scientists use the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, Switzerland, to set up controlled collisions of particles at very high speeds. Just get real Man shit i thought you were all adults, Nope. Mather's third and final prediction for the end of the world. This Russian-born rabbi called for the Messiah to come by the start of the. Best to steer clear of people who are fixated with their smartphones. In this special feature, we investigate. These days one of the most popular shows on television is The Walking Dead, a show about what happens after the dead come alive and civilization collapses. What happens, and why learn about, Dead bodies move on their own after death likely due to processes of decomposition, researchers suspect, pointing to implications for forensic. Privacy & Terms. its part of their game after all. Stay safe everyone! My thought was always that when it all goes to hell, water is the most valuable resource. nevada, artificial cesium, not in use since 7526 years. Durg lords will run the land for a while, commanding these inordinate troops till they get crazy enough to go zombie-mode forever. There have been hundreds of doomsday prophecies through the ages, but none have ever come true. you can and paint to water but in the end it is just painted water. Use them to make a simple windmill or a watermill to recharge the battery. Its Its for this reason that people need to be prepared for just about anything. The Zombie Apocalypse is not only a very real possibility; I believe it's already upon us. Missile after missile was launched from the tank as it took down dozens of zombies. Some zombies are after brains, and some just want a bite of living flesh no matter where it comes from. Zombie. The second prediction of the end of the world from this preacher. If there's no-one nearby, the zombie will move at random. As an ex-drug user/alcoholic and now a substance abuse counselor in a correctional setting, I do have some insight into this issue as far as the USA is concerned. ive been thinking about this for some years. VOLUME 41,2014 Kevin J. Wetmore notes that the zombie parody Shoun of the Dead (Edgar Wright, 2004). This Italian mystic determined that the Millennium would begin between 1200 and 1260. Then Enid noticed dozens of zombies beginning to converge on Wednesday. We All Know The Zombie Apocalypse Is Coming. And if theres something you can do to protect yourself and the ones you love, join the military. Ok so even if the drug is real and everybody does turn into a eating machine, would it eventually wear off? I love this website and check it daily. We already have a pretty sizeable underclass like this living in America today. He gets killed before he gets hold of his son but I was not convinced he actually wanted to harm him. Then and ONLY THEN will I believe you study ANYTHING about Zombies. I think they are talking about zombie like where people become violent and you dont know. And now, guess who supposedly made that prediction. now for all the brain dead people that want to act like puppets I wish you would look up the book series called the right use of will. In a nutshell, a zombie is usually a decaying human corpse that has reawakened from sleep with one goal - to seek and eat brains (most probably because it doesn't have its own ) or other parts of the human body. Momofthree, Thanks for being part of the problem, I really hope you are joking. Please, do your best to stay away from your forest unless you have a weapon on hand. The walking dead. In nature, we see multiple animals, insects, bacteria and Fungi that not only act like zombies but can turn their hosts into zombies. Here in europe we are getting tired of banks and of Germany, who is f*cking europe for the 3rd time in 100 years with they bank system. Read these books and Max Brooks zombie survival guide, life saving. Actually no it can happen at any time. When the ant becomes infected, the fungus quickly spreads through muscle fibers in the ants body, releasing chemicals thattakeover the ants central nervous system. Thezombie-ant fungus forces the ant to leave the safety of its nest and climb up vegetationand stop at 25 centimeters an area where the fungus thrives. They arent a big enough or desperate enough group that we cant handle them with our police, courts, and prisons. Zombies are so terrifying because they are people who were dead who have come back to life. People with a chronic schizophrenic illness, brain damage, or learning disability are not uncommonly met with wandering in Haiti, and they would be particularly likely to be identified as lacking volition and memory which are characteristics of a zombi, the researchers write in their paper. Time for people to start living their own lives instead of this indentured servitude We found that a high percentage of the cells in a host were fungal cells, notes David Hughes, who is associate professor of entomology and biology at Penn State. ET. thank youup. The dates are similar to word palindromes in that they are reversible. For every mans hand will be upon his neighbor , something causes this to happen. Omg thats so true and I think if it really happened as soon as I found out I would kill myself like damn why even bother ya know like if theres going to be a real zombie apocalypse why even live through that and see your own family getting eaten by zombies I personally wouldnt want to live after that. For centuries, doomsdayers have prophesied the apocalypse. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); From natural disasters to hacking attacks and terrorism, we face more threats to our power grid than ever before. This preacher predicted the great tribulation would begin before 2000. tuff,work out,practice with swords,guns. The first of two years this preacher predicted the world would end. But shot them in the head to actually kill them once one state gets infected then the next and the next it will start off AIRBORN which means through the air then once someone gets it in there system theyll turn and bit someone else then more and more. In The Netherlands (you know, Amsterdam etc.) This 17th-century Irish archbishop predicted this date to be 6000 years since creation, and therefore the end of the world. Anarchy in the UK, I mean USA!!! drug. But there's a tiny catch: None of the end-of-world predictions ever come true. Only 3% of Britons thought the end would be caused by the Last Judgement, compared to 16% of Americans. The military are trained mindless ? Though convinced zombies were real, he had been unable to find a scientific explanation for the phenomenon. This might seem ridiculous, but we almost have no fatalities. It is obvious to all educated individuals that the zombie apocalypse is a foregone conclusion (why else would there be so many awesome TV shows about it?). This includes things like water, food, and other supplies to get you . and the curiosity will live on until there is scientific proof of the possibilities of zombies. a lot of youngsters (18-30) use narcotics. After infection takes place, the parasitic fungus takes control of the insects mind, altering its behavior to make the propagation of fungal spores more likely. Ok you honestly didnt shoot anyone because if you did and the man somehow lived you would be in orison by now for murder and I dont think we will have actual zombies but we may or may not the on each other and fight each other but there wont be brain eating people and bull crap like that. The government has control of everything and everyone!! this is all rediculous MDMA/molly and XTC are not bath salts or METH, not even close. You may not like them but they keep their neighborhood safe from being mugged or beat on for no reason. THANK YOU!!!!!